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Save the Date: GRIB 2023 Conference (formerly NEFS)!

The Graduate Research in Interdisciplinary Biosciences (GRIB) Conference (previously known as the Nutrition, Endocrinology, and Food Sciences (NEFS) Conference) is an annual research conference coordinated exclusively by graduate students from the Nutritional Sciences, Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences, Food Science, and Kinesiology and Applied Physiology Departments. GRIB is intended to showcase the research of graduate students in the Biological Sciences field. We welcome members of any STEM-oriented departments to attend the GRIB Conference, present their research, and network with the rest of the Rutgers community!

This year the GRIB Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11th, 2023. It will be an all-day event that will include invited keynote speakers, graduate student speakers, and student poster presentations.


We will be in touch in the near future with a Registration flyer! Until then, feel free to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with the QR codes on the flyer or @rutgersgrib on Instagram and Twitter and follow us on Linkedin:

You can also visit our website at for more information about GRIB and feel free to email us with any questions at