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An Update on getINVOLVED

Dear GSO Leaders,
It has come to our attention that many of you are unable to register your GSO on getINVOLVED. A form should now be available for you to do this. Please use this link to view a list of available forms on getINVOLVED. and navigate to the “Profile Set-Up Form (For Graduate Student Organizations) 2022-2023.” Once you have filled out this form, please email the GSA at
If officers from your previous year did not promote you to be able to manage your organization, please let us know (email so we can aid in recovering your group’s page. You should make sure that 1) you are on the organization roster and 2) let us know who the primary officer is that we should remove, as well as who to replace them with.
Both of these activities, if needed, are due by Oct 12th. 
Thank you,
The GSA Executive Council