Dear Graduate & Professional Students:
It is my honor to serve as this year’s Graduate Student Association (GSA) Election Commissioner to oversee a fair and equitable GSA Election. I am pleased to announce that the Call for Nominations for the 2022 GSA Elections is open as of 9 AM today. Please use this link to nominate yourself or someone else for one of the GSA officer positions:
The following positions for the 2022-2023 academic year are open for nominations. Please consult the GSA Constitution to view role descriptions for each position:
Executive Vice President
Vice President of External Affairs
Vice President of Events and Programming
Vice President of Marketing and Public Affairs
SGS Senators, 4 total, 1 for each New Brunswick/Piscataway campus (College Ave, Cook/Douglass, Busch, Livingston)
All RUNB graduate and professional students can run for GSA officer positions as long as they will be enrolled for the 2022-2023 academic year. Note: you must be in the School of Graduate Studies to run for SGS Senator.
Call for Nominations will open on Monday, March 28 at 9 AM and end on Sunday, April 10 at midnight.
Online voting for GSA Elections will open on Tuesday, April 12 at 9 AM and close on Friday, April 15 at 5 PM.
Election results will be announced on Monday, April 18 in the GSA Newsletter.
If you have any questions about nominations or the elections process, please contact me at
Thank you,
Amanda Liyanaarachchi