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Call for Applications: Black Graduate Student Association

Dear Graduate Students,

We hope your semester is off to a great start! Our names are Nia Cambridge and Simone Boyd, and we are two Black first-year PhD students here at Rutgers University. 

When we started our respective programs, we were both looking for opportunities to connect with other Black graduate students. As we know, being a Black graduate student can be an isolating and lonely experience, especially if you are the only (or one of the few) people of color in a program or department. We felt that there was a need for a supportive space for Black graduate students at Rutgers. Furthermore, as the world became more aware of the experiences of Black people in the United States, we desired a space to discuss these issues with folks who have a shared understanding of these experiences. Thus, we felt there was a need for a Black Graduate Student Association! 

But first, we want to check the temperature. We would like to see if others are interested in joining a Black Graduate Student Association and what objectives should be prioritized within the group. Please fill out this Google form if you are interested in joining us. Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you!


Nia S Cambrige
PhD Student, Geography
Rutgers University – New Brunswick

Simone I Boyd
PhD Student, Clinical Psychology
Rutgers University – New Brunswick

Google form: