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Communicating Science Class for PhD Students at Rutgers

Communicating Science
A Spring Course for STEM Ph.D. Students at Rutgers University
You spend a lot of time doing outstanding, cutting-edge research. But are you spending enough time learning how to tell people what your research is all about and why it’s important?
Enroll in our Spring “Communicating Science” course, and we’ll teach you how to communicate your research accurately and effectively.
Aims of the course:  As a result of taking our course, you will learn for both oral and written communication how to:
  • Identify the essential message that defines your research
  • Recognize the diverse audiences you speak to about your research
  • Engage your audience and tell them why they should care about what you do
  • Speak clearly and vividly in the language your audience will understand
Elements of the course include:
  • Lectures provided by a multidisciplinary core faculty with expertise in science, education, communication, and theater arts (plus guest speakers)
  • Improvisational exercises 
  • Opportunities to practice your presentations and get immediate feedback
  • Learning to be peer listeners and evaluators
  • Collaboration with a professional in an aspirational career-related project 
When: 2022 Spring semester; Wednesdays 4:00 – 7:00 PM; January 19 to May 4, 2022
Where: Research Tower, 675 Hoes Lane West, Room V14, Piscataway
What: Course # 16:718:560 and 6718 5600S, 3 credits, Pass/Fail.  See syllabus attached.  
Who: This course is designed for Ph.D. students in the sciences. Permission by the course director is required.
How: Permission to register – contact Janet Alder, Ph.D. ( with the following information:  
  • your graduate program/track 
  • your advisor’s name and e-mail address
  • what your research is about
  • what your longer-range career plans are
  • what your expectations for this course are
  • your qualifying exam date (expected or actual)
If approved, you will receive instructions on how to register.  This course will be very popular and is capped at 25 people, so it will fill up fast! 
For more details, go to this site: